Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday 1-18-10

I have to be good today.....I have to be good today....that's my mantra.  I think we actually could have eaten much worse yesterday.  Today will be much better....right?


  1. I have not been very good the last couple of days. I am really frustrated. The cardiologist gave me the ok to workout moderately which is good. I just am so fatigued right now that I don't have the motivation. Found out I have high cholesterol and need to modify my diet. I have been pretty good over the last few months and have lost weight so I am really surprised. Doing Weight Watchers for so long I haven't had to really figure out what to eat. Now I have to figure out what to eat all over again.

  2. I was not so good today either. I'm on a 3 day bender now. I have to get back on track tomorrow! Wow....Becky, I can't believe you have high cholesterol. So how do you have to modify your diet?

  3. I really have to watch my fat intake. Doing Weight Watchers I have really only been watching points. You would think that would be enough. Alot of the smart ones have more fat than you would think. I need to work on a more balanced diet and not just how many points I am eating. Also I need to cut out alcohol almost completely.
