Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's A New Year, and Here We Go.....

Happy New Year!

Every year on this day, we resolve to change something about ourselves.  

Usually it is to lose weight.
That's my resolution every damn year.
This year, I am SERIOUS!
(Wait, isn't that what I say every year???)
No, seriously!

Losing weight is a struggle for all of us.  I have been doing it though.  It's just been slower than I thought it would be.  It proves that I can do it when I set my mind to it.

Some of us girls here on the blog are looking forward to getting together in June for the Twi-Fic Meet Up and so we each have a weight loss goal that we would like to reach by then.  Hopefully we can use this blog as a place to support each other.  We already support each other in other ways, so knowing that, I think we can accomplish amazing things together.

Please feel free to post your progress, successes and failures.  Share your tips with the group.  Most of you know that anything goes with this group - so let it fly! LOL  I'm thinking maybe we can have a weekly post where we can check in on our progress.  You can tell us as much or as little as you want about where you are at in your journey.  I personally have no problem telling everyone my weight, but if you don't want to, you don't have to.

I have a few ideas for posts, but I think today just needs to be a kick off.
What are your weight loss goals?
Share in the comments......


  1. Here's tip #1 - Don't start your diet on New Years Day....you probably have a hangover (I do!) and I cannot eat healthy stuff when I have a hangover. Just start tomorrow. LOL

  2. This is my last hooray day. Tomorrow the junk food gets thrown out or given away. I need to start eating and thinking healthy. My goal is to eat better and move more.
    I'm going to "walk" on the elliptical machine as i read fan fiction everyday. I'll start out with short walks and move more everyday.
    It's good to know I have you guys to keep me motivated.
    Here's to looking healthy by our June meet up!

  3. Amen Fran!!!! As I'm sitting here eating leftover pizza from last night!LOL!!!! I did actually go on the treadmill for an hour yesterday, but I totally wiped that out with margaritas and pizza! Here's to a fresh new start tomorrow!

  4. I forget to write my goal! LOL My overall goal is to get to 135 - and so I have 60 pounds to lose. But in the short term, I would love to lose 20-25 by June. I think that's realistic if I am consistent and have the support of my wonderful friends!

  5. My short term goal is to lose 5 lbs in January.Long term I need to lose at least 150 lbs. I need to keep my goals small and attainable. I do not have a scale so I have to go get one. I am sitting here trying to make a grocery list of healthy food and my mind is blank.
    This is not going to be easy but my ultimate goal is to feel healthier everyday.

    1. Put some salad stuff on your list. It helps me I I make at least one meal a day a salad.

  6. I plan on starting tomorrow. My mom, my brother and myself keep complaining about our weight and I plan on doing something about it. We need to stop eating crap so my goal is to bring more healthy food into the house. Overall I'd like to weigh 135-140. I think I can make that happen by June.

    My brother bought the Insanity workout program and said I could use it, so that's going to be my work out of choice, starting tomorrow :-)

  7. Will wonders never cease, I'm late to the party...

    My goal is to lose 15 pounds. More would be awesome, but that's my "for now" goal.

    I have Wii Fit and my Treadmill and loads of Fic on Kindle. I've just gotta get my Audible.com account set up for more audiobooks and I may steal an idea I've heard of somewhere *whistles nonchalantly* and set up a DVD player in front of my treadmill! LOL!

  8. Ha! Funny you should mention that Dani. I have a whole post planned for this week involving treadmills and a certain someone that keeps me sufficiently distracted! :)
